I read on Jonathan Schwartz (SUN CEO) blog today that there's a plan within the company to change SUN ticker symbol from SUNW to JAVA. One of the reason for this change is because SUN is no longer in the workstation business only anymore -- The "W" in SUNW belongs to SUN-W-orkstation -- and that people shall say "passe" to the past, and move on into the future.
Reading that really feel strange and confusing. I mean, I could understand that Jonathan would like SUN brand to be known through its software and development platform:
"StarOffice, OpenOffice, Java are all from SUN, ladies and gentleman ..."
"The hardware, storage systems are all SUN too ..."
Nice move. One day more and more people might know (and experience) SUN brand from its software, not only from its hardware and data center stuff. After all -- as the logic goes: the number of people using software -- which potential could be "all of us" -- one day could be greater from the number of IT guys tinkering with the Sun Hardware in the data center. Interesting thoughts from Jonathan.
But with all that, I still don't understand why on earth the SUN ticker symbol need to be changed from SUNW to JAVA? No matter how hard Mr Schwartz try to explain it, I still don't get the point -- and still refuse to "get" the point (probably). From any angle, this seems totally irrelevant.
Even, if JAVA seems really that important, why not changing it to SUN-J for example?. They could have announced the plan as: ... the era has changed, what used to be SUN-W (aka Sun W-orkstation) .. now become SUN-J (Sun J-ava)... Such would feel "a bit" more make sense, probably.
Jonathan Schwartz seems brilliant at time. He instrisinctly understand the powerful value of software. But if he indeed lead the company to really (and unjokingly) take this move forward, I really doubt whether he really understand the real value of a brand (and its rooted history) in its truest sense.
Imagine what happen when someday Java fades away, then PHP take over, or Ruby getting more popular, would Sir Jonathan change the SUN ticker symbol again .. this time ... to AARGH ?? :-)