See a parody that shows how the two opposing-world of Apple and Microsoft are totally different:
- At the top is a Steve Jobs' original iPod commercial. It's cool, chic, awesome piece of advertisement that appeal to the masses.
- At the bottom is the Mr. Ballmer's monkey dance parody version -- adapted for the "zune".
See how the two world's culture (and mass-persuasion style) are different. (And have a good laugh too). :-) ... if you don't get it ... see the Mr. Baller "original monkey dance version" here first, then you'll get what the "parody" means. :-)
Apple Styling
Microsoft Doing
No offense to Mr. Ballmer, but I seriously think Microsoft recent "increasingly BAD" attitude and "ARROGANT culture" really need to change. Poooh-pooh-ing iPod and iPhone -- like Mr. Ballmer always did all the time -- simply won't help things getting better. Keep doing the "monkey dancing thing" proven to be embarrassing and demoralizing for the "old Microsoft fans", rather than helping Microsoft recover its (older) great spirit, attitude and image. It's disastrous!
If things not changed under Mr. Baller, like I said earlier, probably Microsoft really need Bill Gates to step up once more back into the stage.
I was a serious Microsoft "fans" during Gates era, at the same time I have so much respect for Steve Jobs works (Apple, Next Computer) too. They are both excellent. Microsoft during Gates was really a well attitude company at that time. A tough competitor yes, but the one with a good fighting spirit, strong-drive underdog attitude, and great ability in making things happen. They were awesome. Everybody likes them (which is one the reason they come to become the biggest player in the industry).
Under Mr. Ballmer, the whole good-humble-underdog-value-attitude collapse. How sad.
I really hope things would change for the better at Microsoft. The world would be a better place to be ... if such ever happen.