Plasma display has become a daily object that we touch and see daily. But beside being useful as a "TV", plasma display probably would have its greatest impact when we start using it as our "screen" to the internet. That way, we can transform the plasma display to become our TV, to become our internet access screen, as well as our photo and content browser.
Beginning with that idea, I start "assembling" several technology component together, to produce my own "ideal" home server.
This is what I come up with:
As a start I think I will use Mac Mini to become the home server. Why Mac Mini? I think because it's small, so I can hide it behind the desk or sofa. It won't clutter the sitting area. Yet at the same time, it still can provide the server functionalities that I need.
This is how a Mac Mini looks like:
Now with Mac Mini as the "hub" of everything, I can start adding things into it.
First, I need to add a display. I think that's where the Samsung Plasma fits in. Not only the plasma enable me to display output from the Mac Mini beautifully, its big screen size also allow me to browse the internet from the sofa, which makes everything becoming very comfortable, as I don't have to sit near the screen just to read the text that is displayed there.
Now, with these configuration in place, if I want to work from the distance -- from the sofa -- then definitely I will not want a keyboard cable sprawling around the floor. I think the best solution to this is to add the wireless keyboard into the Mac Mini. That way, my sitting area is totally free from sprawling cables that can spread across like crazy.
With this, now I almost accomplish my goal of seeing alot of things on my Mac Mini on the big display without any cable disturbing the sitting arrangements.
With this, if I add a good wireless mouse, such as this:
Then I can get ready and go.
But -- one more thing -- if I need internet access, and my internet cable is located quite far from the sitting area; and if I need that internet access to become accessible from the other rooms in the house, then I think I will need to add the following wireless cable:
With this, I now can connect and integrate everything together -- including my other computers together -- wirelessly. No sprawling cable attached in the design. And with all that, I can now probably have a pretty complete "home server" configuration that works like this:
With that, I can now work with my computer wirelessly, synchronize my file without wire, see the internet, photo, documents and various digital content from my desk and sofa, and in doing that can still operate the "home computer" to become my home entertainment device as well -- playing music, displaying photo of family and events, displaying latest design and configuration me and my team worked on -- and automatically switch to my intelligent screen safer device when I don't work with it anymore.
Yikes! this seems to be a pretty exciting sophisticated (and beautiful) configuration. I think I will try to build it, and make it come true.
We'll see. :-) :-) :-)