To accomplish its messianic goal of "organizing world information", Google started to buy copyrights to newspaper headlines and content of the past, so that soon such "valuable content" would be available for the world to search, look, and see.
Here's an example result of such attempt:
Can we believe that now we can see Ford Motor's advertisement during the Henry Ford's time!! There are so many things that we can learn from that!
Come feel it for yourself! Give it a "test ride". ;-)
This is truly awesome. When Google accomplish such noble mission, many people and organization around the world might have access to vast collection of historical happening of the past.
I imagine, if later people start annotating, tagging, linking and integrating today's event with what was happening in the past, then may be the world collective knowledge would become even more complete, exciting, interesting and powerful, as not only now we can find and search information in the "digital age", but we can also search, find, discover, and "look back" to the past!
Such accomplishment would be truly awesome!
In many retrospect, Google is a cool company. Similar to what Apple (and Sony in the past) does, it seem to have instinctive "messianic zeal" in every attempt that the company pursue.
As for Ballmerian Microsoft, in the midst of these exciting development of the web, digital device, media, mobility, and stuff, ... what does it busily do today?
It is so busy delivering Zune -- the boring music player!
Ballmerian's new zune: it was a boring concept and product ... and is (still) boring until today!
Oh, long gone the days when Microsoft was the company with "great mission and zeal" of bringing the power and usefulness of PC into everybody, every business, everyhome and everydesktop around the globe.
Under the "Ballmerian empire," Microsoft increasingly loosing the "edge" of its industrial leadership, "forgetting" how to become leading innovative fascinating company that makes (and contributes) the "next crucial thing" that matters.
Instead, it increasingly seem being totally adept at turning itself to become "simply a company" ... a BORING one!