Powerpoint is one of the modern communication tool that is often being used "wrongly" and "abusively".
Because powerpoint makes it very easy to produce (power) points, people often use too much of these in their presentation.
As a result: instead of "presenting key ideas right", presentation audience often being "awfully bombarded" with endless talking points that is short in substance.
That bring us all to the next idea of powerpoint usage: Couldn't we just start presenting ideas with less less (bullet point) text and -- use pictures instead?
But yet too many pictures without words is also meaningless.
Finding the right "balance" might be the "real art" and "challenge" here.
It might took some practice and alot of continuous experimentation. But the end goal is useful: It might someday make the powerpoint slides able to communicate its author ideas better, yet at the same time the audience also able to understand its content and meaning faster, simpler, easier, better.
20 years after powerpoint is "invented", probably it's time for a better, more proper and more creative/more useful use of it. Happy Power-"Picturing". ;-)
ps: Today I browse around and found that Idris Moote happened to write about the 20th Birthday of PowerPoint around 2 days ago. Do take a look. It's a great write up. Idris' idea about the need for a "flexible flow" and "zooming" as the next "powerful powerpoint" feature, is exactly right on the spot.