1. Take a look at the latest "mouse innovation" from Apple!
Such an ingenious idea! Why 'modern mouse' shall still have those sticky buttons, and scrollable wheels?
Apple think they shall not. Hence come up the new mouse design.
The look of the Apple new mouse is definitely better!
What a great, awesome, ingenious idea!
2. People say, "a BMW is a BMW to the tiniest detail".
If Apple could be meticulously detail in 'small matter' and 'small object' such as a 'mouse', don't you think they are going to as high quality and as detail as well in other aspect of their system, application and operating system?
That's probably why Apple computer, iPod, iPhone and many other stuff look and feels definitely meticulously better. They build it all with highest quality, meticulous detail, and deepest passion. You can feel it through the look and feel of the object that they brought to the market.
Seeing all that perhaps now we can (also) say: "an Apple is an Apple ... to the tiniest detail". :-)
Posted via email from arvino's posterous
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