If you happen to use Samsung Galaxy Note as your portable iPad companion, or as a standalone portable tablet device, and you would like to make the Galaxy Not'se keyboard feels so light, swift, rapid, and yet at the same time able to improve your rapid touch-typing accuracy significantly, then you might want to try SwiftKey X.
I tried it on my Samsung Galaxy Note this evening, and I could share with you that it performs fabulously. It does word prediction real fast, perform thing brilliantly smart and accurate. The outmost beauty is: it does all these without slowing down the soft-keyboard responsiveness at all. (In the past I always turned off many "predictive" technology because it becomes so annoying as it slows down the response time of the keyboard system itself significantly).
All and all: based on experience, I found this keyboard software deliver what it promises to do: it does improve the speed and accuracy of rapid touch-typing significantly and greatly.
In my case, such makes it a great additional software to make my Samsung Galaxy Note to become as high performance, as highly responsive, and as aesthetically beautiful as my iPad.